“A society grows great when people plant trees in whose shade they will never sit."

What is Stewardship?

Here at Annunciation, stewardship is an important thread in our fabric. While it takes significant financial support to operate our parish community, it also takes time and talent.

Our Parish has so many activities and volunteer roles in which to choose. As Orthodox we are all called to be good stewards of what God has given each of us. We must also be good stewards of our parish community.

Giving Back to God and Neighbor

We strive to make your giving as simple as possible and are pleased to offer a secure payment portal through our online parish software, FellowshipOne.

Thank you for your donations, whether annual, monthly, or even a one-time gift.

Tithing & Stewardship

For those who attend a particular church regularly, tithes and consistent stewardship at that church is very important. It is one of the simplest ways that we can make an offering of ourselves directly to God through His Church and make enough room within ourselves to receive His blessing in return (Mal. 3:10–12).

How should I give?
We give to God of our first-fruits (before anything else) and with a cheerful disposition (2 Cor. 9:7), understanding that everything we have is a gift from God.

How much should I give?
100%! As Christians we commend “ourselves, each other, and all our lives to God”; this is possible as can be seen in the lives of the saints. However, the most common practice today is still the Old Testament standard of giving 10% of our income before bills or taxes (Lev. 27:30–34).

What is the minimum?
Stewardship is neither a minimum fee, nor membership dues. Rather, financial giving to the church is a freewill offering to be done joyfully and generously; in this spirit there is much spiritual benefit.

 Specific Needs

St James says, “You have not because you ask not”, so we are asking for these items if you would like to purchase them for the church.

Parishioners often want to support our needs by donating specific items. We invite you to click the link below and, as always, thank you for your generosity.